Lifting the Gaze
The Power and Practice of Sangha
The Power
and Practice
of Sangha
Sangha is a Sanskrit word that means “bring together.”
In Buddha’s lifetime, the sangha was officially composed of monks and nuns who committed to a lifetime of renunciation.
To participate in the Lifting the Gaze Sangha you do not need to be a renunciate. You do not need to be a Buddhist or take Buddhist refuge vows. You do not need to be an experienced meditator, a vegetarian, or anything different from who you are right now.
That’s the point of practice - getting familiar with who you are, as you are. This is not about rejecting any part of you, no part of your mind, your emotions, your anger or your love, or any part of your body. It is about opening to the basic goodness that lives inside you right now and very gently, over time, letting that goodness come forward and guide your life.
Regular practice with the same group of people will:
develop your mindfulness/shamatha practice,
strengthen your practice commitment and relax your obstacles; and
give you the skills and awareness to bring your innate goodness into the rest of your life.
Together we will connect the dots between why we practice, how we practice, and the results of practice.
We will show up for ourselves and we will show up for each other.

Opening to Basic Goodness
3 Membership Opportunities:
The first 2024 Dharma Gathering will be February 8. These gatherings as well as the retreats are the heart of our sangha.
All practice really begins when we start to consciously engage in Manisikara, or “activity of the mind.”
Earth is for you if you feel drawn to mindfulness/shamatha, want to try practicing on your own and like inspiring stories of meditation in real life.
With this offering you get:
Monthly newsletter: meditation technique, philosophy & application.
Monthly meditation prompts
Meditation Field Guide by Cyndi Lee: written & audio meditation instruction
per month
per year
Friendship (Kalyanamittata) is not half of the holy life, but all of it.”
— Samyutta Nikaya, 45.2
Moon is for you if you feel that community IS practice. If you are deeply hungry for dharma and community and friendship and you wouldn’t mind if they all came together.
With this offering you get:
THREE 1-hour group practices per month with Cyndi: Sessions include dharma talks, mindfulness meditation practice, group discussions, Q&A
The Sadha Meditation Retreat Series at the reduced price of $75
TWO online mini-retreats/year at the reduced price of $40
Access to Cyndi’s dharma talk archive
PLUS everything from the Earth level:
Monthly newsletter about meditation technique, philosophy & application.
Monthly meditation prompts
Meditation Field Guide by Cyndi Lee: written & audio meditation instruction
per month
per year
“Where would I find enough leather
To cover the entire surface of the earth?
But with leather soles beneath my feet,
It’s as if the whole world has been covered.”
— The Bodhisattva’s Way of Life, Shantideva
Stars is for you if you long for personal practice guidance, accountability and deepening spiritual maturity.
With this offering you get:
2 private 45 min. sessions with Cyndi: 1 aspirational, 1 follow-up
FOUR mini-retreats/year at the reduced price of $40
The Sadha Meditation Retreat Series at the reduced price of $54
PLUS: Everything from the Earth and Moon Level:
THREE 1-hour group practices per month with Cyndi: Sessions include dharma talks, mindfulness meditation practice, group discussions, Q&A
Access to Cyndi’s dharma talk archive
Monthly newsletter about meditation technique, philosophy & application
Monthly meditation prompts
Meditation Field Guide by Cyndi Lee: written & audio meditation instruction
per year
at this level and they must be made at the annual level commitment.
Since I know you are wondering….
Every gathering will be recorded and sent to Moon and Stars members asap.
No change-your-mind refunds will be given.
No I’m-too-busy refunds will be given.
Moon retreat discounts will begin after 2 months of membership, unless you have joined at the annual level.