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Breath by Breath, Stitch by Stitch

A Mindfulness Meditation & Knitting Mini-Retreat Online

Sunday, June 25  
12:30-2:30 ET
via Zoom

Meditation and Knitting have so much in common and yet they are also completely distinct activities.  You can be a meditator and not knit and you can be a knitter and not meditate. Or you can knit and meditate.  What does it all mean?!

Cyndi will give a short dharma talk and then offer discussion topics such as project vs process; how doing/making something for yourself benefits others; how knitting and meditation relate to confidence and compassion, and how knitting informs meditation and meditation informs knitting - or do they

Dharma Talk
Breathing practice
Mindfulness meditation practice
Group discussion
Simple stretching, including specific exercises for knitters
Silent knitting for 10 minutes
Knitting circle chatting & sharing of projects
Short ending meditation session
Dedicating the Merit of our Efforts

Cyndi will give meditation instruction but will not give knitting instruction. Some knitting experience recommended.

June 5

Mindfulness Meditation Mini-Retreat

August 13

Summer Half-Nyinthun