On the Road

Upcoming events.

Cyndi’s workshops, trainings and courses will all be online for the time being. Everything is listed on the calendar, and more details and online classes can be found under “Online Classes & Trainings.”

ONLINE: Mindfulness Meditation Mini-Retreat
to Mar 28

ONLINE: Mindfulness Meditation Mini-Retreat

Meditation is sometimes called “a gathering together.” We will organize our body, breath and mind and gather together with each other.  There is a special kind of magic that comes from sitting with a group — even on line!  The benefits of meditation are stability, clarity and strength of mind and you develop these from consistent practice.

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ONLINE: Mindfulness Meditation Mini-Retreat
to Jul 18

ONLINE: Mindfulness Meditation Mini-Retreat

Meditation is sometimes called “a gathering together.” We will organize our body, breath and mind and gather together with each other.  There is a special kind of magic that comes from sitting with a group — even on line!  The benefits of meditation are stability, clarity and strength of mind and you develop these from consistent practice.

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IN PERSON: Lifting the Gaze: 2025
to Oct 24

IN PERSON: Lifting the Gaze: 2025

This retreat is open to everyone! Our practice will focus primarily on sitting and walking mindfulness meditation, sustainable yoga, and restorative yoga. Yoga props will be available in the yoga studio and modifications will be offered for everyone. Each morning will include a short dharma talk and group discussion.

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ONLINE: Mindfulness Meditation Mini-Retreat
to Dec 5

ONLINE: Mindfulness Meditation Mini-Retreat

Meditation is sometimes called “a gathering together.” We will organize our body, breath and mind and gather together with each other.  There is a special kind of magic that comes from sitting with a group — even on line!  The benefits of meditation are stability, clarity and strength of mind and you develop these from consistent practice.

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ONLINE: Mindfulness Meditation Mini-Retreat
to Jan 6

ONLINE: Mindfulness Meditation Mini-Retreat

Meditation is sometimes called “a gathering together.” We will organize our body, breath and mind and gather together with each other.  There is a special kind of magic that comes from sitting with a group — even on line!  The benefits of meditation are stability, clarity and strength of mind and you develop these from consistent practice.

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IN PERSON: Lifting the Gaze: Meditation & Motion
to Oct 25

IN PERSON: Lifting the Gaze: Meditation & Motion

This retreat is open to everyone! Our practice will focus primarily on sitting and walking mindfulness meditation, sustainable yoga, and restorative yoga. Yoga props will be available in the yoga studio and modifications will be offered for everyone. Each morning will include a short dharma talk and group discussion.

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ONLINE: Mindfulness Meditation Mini-Retreat
to Oct 4

ONLINE: Mindfulness Meditation Mini-Retreat

Each day I will offer a lesson on the nuts and bolts of meditation, as well as how the practice relates to the rest of your life. On Day 1 I will give specific mindfulness meditation instruction and we will sit for a short period. Every day the instruction will deepen and the length of the sitting periods will grow.

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IN PERSON: Developing a Sustainable Practice: Breathwork, Meditation and OM Yoga
to Aug 16

IN PERSON: Developing a Sustainable Practice: Breathwork, Meditation and OM Yoga

  • Kripalu Center For Yoga & Health (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Spiritual refuge offers a path for connecting to the basic goodness of the body, breath, and mind. Breathwork, meditation, and OM Yoga are all effective tools that offer healing, self-awareness, compassion, and mindfulness.

Each day’s work will build on the day before so you can observe the effects of your practice. Return home with resources that offer you a refuge for the rest of your life.

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IN PERSON: Sustainable Yoga: Movement and Breath for Your Future Self
to Aug 11

IN PERSON: Sustainable Yoga: Movement and Breath for Your Future Self

  • Kripalu Center For Yoga & Health (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join legendary yoga teacher, Cyndi Lee, for a program that explores the notion of sustainability in yoga. This work is about presence, curiosity, and personal connection; it is never goal-oriented or performative.

Return home feeling more energized and expanded in your capacity to move, breathe, and live well into the future.

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ONLINE: Mindfulness Meditation Mini-Retreat
to Jul 25

ONLINE: Mindfulness Meditation Mini-Retreat

Each day I will offer a lesson on the nuts and bolts of meditation, as well as how the practice relates to the rest of your life. On Day 1 I will give specific mindfulness meditation instruction and we will sit for a short period. Every day the instruction will deepen and the length of the sitting periods will grow. By the end of five days we will sit together for 30 minutes…or more.

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ONLINE: Saddha Meditation Series: Fruition

ONLINE: Saddha Meditation Series: Fruition

The Saddha Meditation Series offers you the opportunity to develop your meditation practice by: committing to a series of three retreats and growing your capacity to meditate by participating in progressively longer sessions. Each retreat will include a dharma talk, sitting mindfulness meditation practice, stretching, breathwork, Q & A.

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ONLINE: Saddha Meditation Series: Path

ONLINE: Saddha Meditation Series: Path

The Saddha Meditation Series offers you the opportunity to develop your meditation practice by: committing to a series of three retreats and growing your capacity to meditate by participating in progressively longer sessions. Each retreat will include a dharma talk, sitting mindfulness meditation practice, stretching, breathwork, Q & A.

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ONLINE: Mindfulness Meditation Mini-Retreat
to Mar 22

ONLINE: Mindfulness Meditation Mini-Retreat

Each day I will offer a lesson on the nuts and bolts of meditation, as well as how the practice relates to the rest of your life. On Day 1 I will give specific mindfulness meditation instruction and we will sit for a short period. Every day the instruction will deepen and the length of the sitting periods will grow. By the end of five days we will sit together for 30 minutes…or more.

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IN PERSON & ONLINE: Sustainable Yoga
to Apr 16

IN PERSON & ONLINE: Sustainable Yoga

Sustainable Yoga is a medium-paced asana practice designed to balance your physical and mental strength, stability, clarity and mobility by integrating vinyasa, precise alignment and resting. Based on the long view of Sustainability, the practice will energize and enhance you today as well as expand your capacity to move, breath and live well into the future.

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ONLINE: Saddha Meditation Series: Ground

ONLINE: Saddha Meditation Series: Ground

The Saddha Meditation Series offers you the opportunity to develop your meditation practice by: committing to a series of three retreats and growing your capacity to meditate by participating in progressively longer sessions. Each retreat will include a dharma talk, sitting mindfulness meditation practice, stretching, breathwork, Q & A.

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ONLINE & IN PERSON: Sustainable Yoga - 6 Week Series
to Feb 13

ONLINE & IN PERSON: Sustainable Yoga - 6 Week Series

Sustainable Yoga is a medium-paced asana practice designed to balance your physical and mental strength, stability, clarity and mobility by integrating vinyasa, precise alignment and resting. Based on the long view of Sustainability, the practice will energize and enhance you today as well as expand your capacity to move, breath and live well into the future….

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ONLINE & IN PERSON: Mindfulness 101 - 3 Week Series

ONLINE & IN PERSON: Mindfulness 101 - 3 Week Series

We will start a new session of the Lifting the Gaze sangha on February 1, 2024.  The sangha has been a touch point, a home, a refuge for us in 2023 as we have shared meditation practice together, studied the Satipattadhana Sutra (the Mindfulness Sutra), shared a lot in group discussions and done a little stretching and breathing, too.

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ONLINE: Meditation Invitation: #15minutesaday
to Jan 6

ONLINE: Meditation Invitation: #15minutesaday

Every day for a week we will sit together for 15 minutes and create a habit for the year ahead. Sessions will begin with a short 5-minute-or-less talk and then we will sit together. The talks will offer clarification on meditation technique, inspiration and motivation, and preparations for sitting such as grounding touch, body scan or breathing exercises.

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ONLINE: Year End Practice Period: The 4 R’s

ONLINE: Year End Practice Period: The 4 R’s

A practice period for reflecting on the past year with good heart and clear mind and no judgement.

Cyndi will introduce the Buddhist teaching of the 4Rs, a contemplative practice to help us review, refresh and resolve. We will discuss and practice this useful method for growing our practice commitment. Along with meditating, stretching, breathwork and some restorative yoga, we will embody this transitional period with grounding and openness.

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ONLINE: Mini-Meditation Retreat
to Dec 1

ONLINE: Mini-Meditation Retreat

This week - between America Thanksgiving and December holidays is the perfect time to stabilize your mind, steady yourself, get grounded. Because we are all busy this online retreat will be just 45 minutes a day. A short dharma talk followed by sitting meditation, stretching and discussion. The goal is to feel both refreshed and relaxed as we move into the end of 2023.

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IN PERSON: The Refuge Hour in North Carolina

IN PERSON: The Refuge Hour in North Carolina

In this OM yoga class, Cyndi will talk about what spiritual refuge really means and how to find it in your life as a yogi. Sustainable asana, pranayama, restorative yoga and mindfulness meditation will be our skillful means for an embodied exploration of refuge in mind, body, breath, and balance.

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IN PERSON: Lifting the Gaze Retreat
to Nov 5

IN PERSON: Lifting the Gaze Retreat

Lifting the Gaze is a way of expanding our practice, letting in the sounds and sights of the world. It is also a way of expanding our scope of practice; knowing that when we see each other, when we practice together, we begin to create the world we want.

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Meditation Invitation: #15minutesaday

Meditation Invitation: #15minutesaday

Every day for a week we will sit together for 15 minutes and create a habit for the year ahead. Sessions will begin with a short 5-minute-or-less talk and then we will sit together. The talks will offer clarification on meditation technique, inspiration and motivation, and preparations for sitting such as grounding touch, body scan or breathing exercises.

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In Person & Online: The Refuge Hour

In Person & Online: The Refuge Hour

Spiritual refuge offers a path for connecting to the basic goodness of our own body, breath and mind. Cyndi will talk about what refuge means for yogis and how the practice of Sati or Mindfulness helps us develop a personal refuge that can support our daily lives.

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Mindfulness Meditation Mini-Retreat
to Sep 15

Mindfulness Meditation Mini-Retreat

Each day I will offer a lesson on the nuts and bolts of meditation, as well as how the practice relates to the rest of your life. On Day 1 I will give specific mindfulness meditation instruction and we will sit for a short period. Every day the instruction will deepen and the length of the sitting periods will grow. By the end of five days we will sit together for 30 minutes…or more.

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